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Acidum Oxalicum 200CH

15. Acid Oxalicum Dilution is a homoeopathic remedy that is best to treat respiratory tract infections. This medicine also treats violent pains in the abdomen relieved by the discharge of flatus. It is a wonderful remedy to treat fever and weakness associated with it. It is a truly a great pain reliever. It is used for treating cold, cough and skin problems. This also helps to treat the swollen glands and throat burns. It is adviced for problems related to nose and nostrils in an effective way. It is truly a wonderful remedy to treat different types of allergies. It is indicated for symptoms including a severe headache, confusion, vertigo, severe pain in stomach, diarrhoea, spasmodic breathing with hoarseness, sneezing and mucous secretion in the throat.
SKU: B62015
Rs 109
MRP 115 5.06% OFF

Rs 109.181

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