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Uva Ursi

Bakson's Uva ursi Q Mother Tincture is a homoeopathic formulation indicated in cystitis with bloody urine. It is useful in conditions with a constant urge to urinate, straining and discharge of blood, pus, tenacious mucus, and large blood clots. It also helps reduce dysuria and strangury.
SKU: B6064
Rs 314
MRP 330 5% OFF

Rs 313.5

Product Piority

Key Ingredients:

  • Uva ursi

Key Benefits:

  • It is beneficial in dealing with urinary disorders
  • It prevents urticaria in the absence of itching
  • It is beneficial in pyelitis, cystitis with bloody urine, and calculous inflammation
  • It reduces chronic vesical irritation, with pain, tenesmus and catarrhal discharges
  • It works against burning sensation post micturition and in involuntary urination
  • It is beneficial in cases where the urine contains blood, pus, and much tenacious mucus and greenish discolouration of urine

Directions For Use:
Use as directed by the physician.

Safety Information:

  • Read the label carefully before use
  • Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight
  • Keep out of reach of children
  • Avoid consuming tobacco or drinking alcohol during the course
  • Use strictly under medical supervision
  • Avoid using coffee, onion, hing, mint, camphor, garlic etc., while consuming the medicine
  • Maintain at least half an hour gap between food/drink/ any other medicines and allopathic medicine
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