SBL’s Five Phos A+ Tonic is the combination of phosphates and Homeopathic mother tinctures which promote tissue building and provide necessary nutrition to nerves, brain, and bones. It is regarded as a general tonic for all chronic wasting diseases, anemia, general debility and exhaustion with lack of vitality.
Composition: Avena sativa Q, Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) Q, Calcarea phosphorica 3x, Ferrum phosphoricum3x, Kali phosphoricum 3x, Magnesium phosphoricum 3x, Natrum phosphoricum 3x.
Useful in wasting diseases, exhausted feeling, general weakness, lack of vitality and anemia.
Contraindications: No known contraindications.
Dosage: Adult: 10ml (2 teaspoonfuls), Children: 5ml (1 teaspoonful) 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.
Use under medical supervision.