Dr. Reckeweg R 61 Lumbagin
Mode of action of main Ingredients
The individual remedies are potentised with Ol. Pini silv., thus achieving a larger surface action and a better absorption of a plant extract through the skin. The symptomatology with that of the oral administration (R 11).
Berberis: Backache with great weakness.
Dulcamara: Neuralgic pains in limbs and joints of rheumatic origin together with stiffness, particularly caused by sitting on cold surfaces.
Nux vomica: Spine feels as if broken, worse from sitting, worse at night and in the morning when getting up.
Rhododendron: Rheumatism of small joints. Pain in worse before rain and thunderstorms.
Rhus Tox: Tearing and drawing pain of rheumatic origin in all limbs and joints. Worse at rest and at night. Better from continued motion.
Dosage: Apply ointment over the affected areas repeatedly
Remarks: Prescribe R11 additionally for internal use.