Jatropha Curcas treatment for Abdomen ailments: Distended, with gurgling noises. Pain in hypochondria. Pain in region of liver and under right scapula to shoulder. Violent urging to urinate.
Jatropha Curcas treatment for Stool ailments: Sudden, profuse, watery, like rice-water. Diarrhoea; forced discharge; loud noise in abdomen like gurgling of water coming out of a bung-hole, associated with coldness, cramps, nausea, and vomiting.
Extremities: Cramps in muscles, especially calves, legs, and feet. The coldness of the whole body. Pain in ankles, feet and toes. Heels sensitive.
Jatropha Curcas treatment for Modalities ailments: Better, by placing hands in cold water.
Use under medical supervision.