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Apocynum Cannabinum

Apocynum Cannabinum Dilution is a homeopathic medicine which is indicated for symptoms of swelling along with various problems. It can be effectively used in the conditions of heart failure and asthma. Burning sensation in urine and breathing ailments are also cured using this medicine.
SKU: S331024
Rs 143
MRP 150 5% OFF

Rs 142.5

Product Piority

Key Benefits:

  • Reduces the swelling and sweat production
  • Decreases the acute swelling of the scalp

Helpful in problem of vomiting, nausea, drowsiness and breathing

  • Relieves from bloating in abdomen
  • Manages healthy functioning of the chest and respiratory system
  • Helps to regularize the delayed menses with water retention and bloating
  • Helpful in short breaths and dry cough and cold

Directions For Use
Dosage should be prescribed by a physician.

Safety Information:


  • Read the label carefully before use
  • Self medication is not advised
  • Do not exceed the recommended dose
  • Keep out of the reach of children

Directions For Use
Consult a doctor before taking the medicine for exact dosage.

Safety Information:

  • Read the label carefully before use
  • Maintain 30 minutes gap between any food/ drink/any other medicine
  • Avoid any strong smell in mouth during taking the medicine like garlic, coffee, camphor, etc
  • Do not exceed the recommended dose
  • Keep out of the reach of children
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