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Arsenicum Sulphuratum Flavum is a yellow sulphured of Arsenic. It is also called Arsenic Trisulph. It is used in rheumatic pain and Leucoderma, and sciatica.
SKU: SH3510029
Rs 185
MRP 195 5% OFF

Rs 185.25

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Causes & Symptoms for Arsenic Sulphuratum Flavum

  • Anxiety and apprehension ( fear of what will happen), restlessness with symptoms.
  • Dropsical swelling of glands. Affected parts sore to touch is relieved by Arsenic Sulphuratum Flavum. 
  • Arsenic Sulphuratum Flavum is indicated in Varicose veins. 
  • Difficult respiration with Sticking behind the ear is well relieved by Arsenic Sulphuratum Flavum.
  • Arsenic Sulphuratum Flavum is helpful in Sciatica and pain around the knee.
  • Moist crusts and scales on the scalp. It has been very useful in eczema. Pustules on the scalp. 
  • Chronic inflammation of eyes, of conjunctiva, cornea, iris, lids can be relieved Arsenic Sulphuratum Flavum.
  • It relieves stiffness of cervical(Neck) region, weakness of lumbar( back) and tenderness of coccyx.
  • Burning in urethra while passing urine with pain in bladdder is well relieved by Arsenic Sulphuratum Flavum.
  • Discharges from all mucous membranes and outlets very excoriating, offensive, thin and yellow.
  • Dryness, redness and heat in the throat. Inflammation of throat and tonsils is relieved by Arsenic Sulphuratum Flavum.
  • Stiffness in body and limbs, standing aggravates
  • Arsenic Sulphuratum Flavum is useful in Vertigo with headache, head is cold during headache.
  • Pains are cutting, burning, internal and external, pressing, stitching, tearing downward, tearing in muscles.

Important indicated symptoms of Arsenicum Sulphuratum Flavum

  • Useful medicine in old cases of malaria, in great weakness following the abuse of quinine. When eruptions have been suppressed from local medications, and there is great weakness and lack of reaction. 
  • Skin chafed about genitals, Ulceration of breast, Ulcers on legs are well checked by this remedy.
  • Trembling of body and limbs, upper limbs and hands; lower limbs and feet, Twitching of thighs, Weakness of all the limbs are relieved by Arsenicum Sulphuratum Flavum.  
  • Arsenicum Sulphuratum Flavum is useful in Eczema; fetid; herpes; itching; moist with corrosive yellow discharge.
  • Burning of the skin after scratching. Burning in spots. Marked coldness of skin of body and limbs.
  • Ulcers bleeding; burning; crusty; Deep; inflamed; painful, Red, corrosive, offensive, thin, watery, yellow pus can be well checked by this remedy.

Side effects of Arsenic Sulphuratum Flavum

There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given. 

Dosage and rules while taking Arsenic Sulphuratum Flavum 

Take 5 drops in half cup of water three times a day.

You can also medicate the globules and take 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

We recommend you to take under physicians guidance.

Terms and Conditions

We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self medicating. Homeopathic medicines have several uses and are prescribed on the basis of symptom similarity.

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