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Lilium Tigrinum is made from a plant also called as Tiger Lily. It is Mainly indicated in complaints of females and heart conditions. Persons who are always hurried, busy with great depression and a desire to cry.
SKU: SH3510097
Rs 128
MRP 135 5% OFF

Rs 128.25

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Especially suitable in unmarried females.
Very effective in pelvic organ disorders, especially pathological conditions of uterus and ovaries.
Periods early, scanty,dark, clotted, offensive
Flow only when moving.
Constant desire to support parts externally
Bearing down sensation with urgent desire to pass stool, as though all organs would escape better when resting
Congestion of uterus, prolapsed uterus.
Pain in ovaries that goes down thighs
Sexual desires heightened.
Acrid, brown white discharge with pricking pain near vagina
Cannot walk on ground that uneven, feels as if walking on air


Pain and fullness as if bursting, as if load on chest
Pulsations are felt over whole body.
Sensation as if heart was gripped in a wire/vise
Palpitation; irregular and very rapid pulse.
Cold sensation about heart.
Suffocation in a crowded and warm room.
Angina pectoris pain of chest with pain in right arm.


As prescribed by physician. Can be taken along with allopathic medicines.

Side Effects: None


Maintain half an hour gap between food/drink/any other medicines and homeopathic medicine.
Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing.

Use under medical supervision.

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