For women with chronic pelvic disorders. Chronic rheumatism.
Used for great disturbance and irritability of nervous system.
Pains intolerable, tensive, nerves quiver and tingle.
Children dwarfed and stunted.
Also used for chronic catarrhal conditions in children. Nose dirty, tonsils enlarged, thick yellow mucus from nostrils, lips thickened from mouth breathing. State of collapse and trembling all over. History of sycosis.
Often restores a gonorrhsal discharge. Intensity of all sensations. Edema of limbs.
Dose- As prescribed by physician. Can be taken along with allopathic medicines.
Maintain half an hour gap between food/drink/any other medicines and homeopathic medicine.
Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing.
Use under medical supervision.