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The continuous intake of this salt causes nutritive changes in the system and symptoms of salt retention as exhibited by dropsies and odemas and also an alteration in the blood causing a condition of anemia. It also involves ineffective absorption of this salt in the tissues giving rise to symptoms such as gout. It is a great remedy for specific forms of intermittent fever, anemia, chlorisis, disturbance in the alimentary tract and skin, extreme weakness in the morning, coldness, dry mucous membranes, wearniness, diabetes, swelling in the neck due to abnormal enlargement of the gland, hyperthyroidism and thinness which is most notable in the neck.
SKU: SH356049
Rs 90
MRP 95 5% OFF

Rs 90.25

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Mind – The remedy is effective for emotions such as sadness, anger, depression, irritability, increased consolation, awkwardness, wishes to be alone and psychic causes of the disease.

Ears – Noises, ringing and roaring.

Face – As reported, it includes the earthy complexion, blisters from fever, oily and shiny.

Abdomen – Treats severe pain in the abdomen on coughing.

Rectum – The medicine covers inflammation and burning pain after the stool, contractions in the anus, constipation, dry stool, painless and copious diarrhea which is followed by chronic pain in the abdomen.

Urine – It covers pains exactly after urinating which is increased while walking or coughing or wait for a long time for it to pass.

Male – Impotence with retarded emission and discharges even after sexual intercourse.

Female – When the periods are irregular and the flow is huge, dry vagina, severe pain which gets worse in the morning, ineffectual labor pains with suppressed menstrual periods.

Heart – As per literature, it covers feeling of coldness of heart, constrictions in the chest and heart, throbbing that shakes the body, heart rate faster than the normal rate and intermits on lying down.

Sleep – Suitable to a person who gets nervous movements during sleep, turns drowsy in the afternoon and sleepless from grief.

Fever – The remedy covers heat and violent thirst that increases with the fever also leading to blisters, coldness of the body, malarial states with weakness, constipation and loss appetite, excess sweating on exertion and mainly chilly between 9 and 11 am.

Other symptoms are in –
1. Head
2. Eyes
3. Mouth
4. Stomach
5. Respiratory
6. Skin

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