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Tuberculinum Dilution is a homeopathic medicine which is prepared from the bacteria that infects cattle. The use of genuine raw materials in its formulation makes it free from impurities. It helps in treating skin inflammations and tuberculosis. Psychological issues like depression, irritation, melancholy and sleeplessness can also be improved with it’s use.
SKU: SH353309
Rs 95
MRP 100 5% OFF

Rs 95

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Key Benefits:

This dilution is useful in helping treat bouts of vomiting, nausea and loose motions

It helps in the treatment of  headaches and migraine attacks

It is used in the treatment of health issues like tuberculosis and Eczema 

SBL Tuberculinum Dilution is used to help treat the symptoms that occur due to ring worm infestation

It is useful in helping treat feeling of breathlessness, cough and sputum 

Directions For Use:
Take 3-5 drops of BL Tuberculinum Dilution once in a day or as prescribed by the physician

Safety Information:

Read the label carefully

Self medication is not advised

Do not exceed the recommended dose

Keep out of the reach of children

Avoid any kind of strong smell in the mouth while taking the dose

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